A Photographer's biggest Dilemna is having to choose a few images while a thousand lie hidden without being visible. The images you see here are just a few selected ones supported by my own write-ups which are my insights and my view of the world around me. "I do not intend to offend any individual, group or country through my writings."
Every trip to me is a spiritual one, I started believing in a super natural energy governing me at the most tested times and helpless situations on my journeys. Am a solo traveler and I love the thrill of hopping flights, buses, taxi's, vans, ferries and many other means of transport across different countries. The people, The languages, The cultures, The beliefs, The smiles and utimately The Freedom is what makes me a Travel Photographer.
This blog contains images from India, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, U.A.E, The United Kingdom, Spain and Portugal. I would be updating the Countries, Images and Write-ups as and when I travel. Hope you all like my work :)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


There are times when I feel am an opportunist coz am trying to capture some horrid truths and gain sympathy for my work and in the process become popular...taking photographs around the killing fields was one such time. I feel guilty putting up these images in my album coz am trying to cover 2 million deaths in 200 shots of my camera, I would get some good comments and be appreciated, but the truth is I feel I am en cashing upon those lost souls. The only reason I made this album is for the people who do not know about the Genocide in Cambodia which swept away generations of people in just 5 years of regime of the Khmer Rouge. This is a tribute to those who were killed mercilessly….

The killing fields are a number of sites in Cambodia where large numbers of people were killed and buried by the Khmer Rouge regime, during the rule of the country from 1975 to 1979. At least 200,000 people were executed by the Khmer Rouge and the approximate estimation of the number of deaths resulting from Khmer Rouge policies, including disease and starvation, range from 1.4 to 2.2 million out of a total population of 7 million. It took 5 years to research 20,000 grave sites which contained the remains of 1,112,829 victims of execution. The Khmer regime headed by Pol Pot targeted anyone and everyone suspected to be in connection with the former government or with foreign government, Professionals, Intellectuals, Ethnic Vietnamese, Ethnic Thai, Ethnic Chinese, Ethnic Chams (Cambodian Muslims), Christians and even Buddhist Monks were not spared. To save ammunition the executions were carried out using hammers, axe handles, spades and sharpened bamboo sticks; some victims were required to dig their own graves. It is often described as “One of the worst human tragedies of the last century”.

“No religious rituals, No religious symbols; No education, No training; No currency, No bartering; No communication, No public transportation; No human rights, No social gathering; No marriage, No divorce; No flirting, No masturbation; No shoes, No sandals; No soaps, No detergents; No mercy, No help; No radio, No TV …” these were a few lines of the poem written during the Khmer Rouge regime, A third of the population didn’t survive. In 1979, Vietnam backed by Soviet Union attacked and ended the Khmer Rouge regime.

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